Efficient Ways to Clean Selenite Crystals: A Comprehensive Guide


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how to clean selenite

You’ve got a gorgeous new selenite crystal, glowing like moonlight in your palm.

But wait! Before it can shower you with its healing powers, you need to cleanse it. Don’t know how? Don’t worry!

This guide will show you how to safely and effectively cleanse your selenite, ensuring you get the most out of its mystical benefits.

Let’s unlock the full potential of your selenite crystal together.

Understanding Selenite’s Nature

Understanding Selenite's Nature

First off, you need to understand that selenite is a unique crystal variety of the mineral gypsum, known for its self-cleansing properties. It’s important to know how to properly clean your selenite, as it’s a soft and water-soluble crystal, prone to damage if not handled carefully. Selenite’s hardness is only two on the Mohs scale, making it incredibly delicate.

You must remember never to submerge your selenite in water as this can cause it to dissolve. Instead, use a soft cloth or a soft brush to gently remove any dirt or oils that may have accumulated on the surface. This will help to maintain the crystal’s integrity and prevent any potential damage.

Selenite has many uses, but understanding its nature is crucial to its care. Despite its self-cleansing abilities, selenite may still require occasional cleansing. However, it’s vital to avoid methods that could damage your crystal, such as soaking it in water.

Safe Selenite Cleaning Techniques

Safe Selenite Cleaning Techniques

When it comes to safely cleaning your selenite, there are several methods you can employ that won’t harm this delicate crystal. Given its low Mohs hardness, you need to be careful to avoid anything abrasive that could scratch the surface. One way to clean your selenite is to use a soft cloth and gently scrub to remove dirt. You can also use a toothbrush for the harder-to-reach areas. However, don’t use anything harder like a metal brush as it could damage the gemstone.

Remember, don’t use water for any length of time, as it can dissolve the material that makes up this form of gypsum. Quick rinses with warm tap water are fine, but prolonged exposure or using salt water can damage it. Always be sure to dry the stone thoroughly, as water can damage the surface if left on it.

Safe Cleaning Techniques Not Safe Techniques
Gently scrub with a soft cloth or toothbrush Don’t use anything abrasive
Quick rinse with warm tap water Avoid prolonged exposure to water
Dry thoroughly after cleaning Don’t leave water on the surface

Charging crystals, like selenite, is also important to cleanse negative energies. You can charge selenite in moonlight or by placing it in a selenite bowl with other crystals.

Additional Selenite Cleansing Methods

Additional Selenite Cleansing Methods

In addition to the safe cleaning techniques you’ve already learned, your selenite’s cleansing process can also be enhanced by several other methods. These additional selenite cleansing methods are meant to maintain your gem’s pristine condition while enhancing its energy-cleansing abilities.

One approach is to use a soft brush to gently scrub away any surface grime from your selenite. Make sure you do this gently, as selenite is a delicate mineral that can be easily scratched or damaged. This method is particularly useful for selenite wands or towers, which may have crevices where dirt can accumulate.

If your selenite has been exposed to negative energies, you can cleanse it by placing it under the light of a full moon overnight. This allows the stone to absorb the moon’s energy, which is believed to have purifying properties. Alternatively, you can bury the selenite in a bowl of brown rice, which is thought to draw out and absorb negativity from the stone.

Precautions for Selenite Cleansing

Precautions for Selenite Cleansing

Despite the variety of methods available for cleansing your selenite, you need to be aware of certain precautions to prevent damage to this delicate crystal. With your knowledge of the mineral, you’ll understand that selenite, being a gypsum crystal, is soft and can easily get scratched or dissolved in water.

Here are some precautions for selenite cleansing:

  • Never use any type of acid or harsh chemical cleaners. They can damage the crystal’s structure, resulting in loss of lustre and clarity.
  • Avoid immersing selenite in water. It can dissolve or become cloudy. If needed, quickly rinse it under running water and immediately dry it.
  • Be careful not to use any abrasive materials that could scratch the surface.

While cleansing, be mindful of these points:

  • Remove any foreign materials from the crystal gently, using a soft brush or cloth.
  • If your selenite has a sealant, avoid methods that could cause it to peel or chip off.
  • Lastly, remember that selenite as well as other crystals, are delicate and require gentle handling.

Benefits of Cleansed Selenite

Regularly cleansing your selenite not only maintains its physical beauty, but also significantly enhances its metaphysical properties. By keeping your selenite clean, you’re ensuring that its powerful healing and protective properties remain optimal, providing you with the best possible benefits.

Cleansed selenite acts as a purifier, absorbing and eliminating negative energies from your surroundings. This creates a peaceful and harmonious environment, allowing you to focus and think clearly. It also boosts your intuition and spiritual growth, providing a gateway to the angelic realm.

Moreover, the benefits of cleansed selenite extend to other crystals as well. Selenite has the unique ability to cleanse and recharge other crystals without losing its own energy. This means you can use it to maintain the efficacy of your entire crystal collection.

In addition, maintaining clean selenite promotes physical well-being. It’s known to improve skin complexion, hair growth, and overall vitality by balancing the body’s energy flow.

Step-by-Step Selenite Cleaning Guide


  1. Gather all your materials. You’ll need a soft cloth and a wooden tool cut to a wedge shape. Remember, selenite is fragile and can easily scratch. Never use anything harder than the selenite itself, such as sandpaper.
  2. Submerge the selenite in lukewarm water for a brief soak. Be careful not to leave it soaking for too long as it can deteriorate.
  3. Try a piece to ensure it doesn’t react negatively. If all is well, proceed to the next step.


  1. After soaking, gently wipe the crystal with the soft cloth. Don’t use acetone or muriatic acid. These harsh chemicals can damage your selenites.
  2. Tumble cleaning isn’t advised. Selenite crystals are delicate and tumbling can lead to breakage.

Mistakes to Avoid in Selenite Cleaning

Mistakes to Avoid in Selenite Cleaning

While you’re taking all these steps to properly clean your selenite, it’s equally important to steer clear of certain mistakes that could potentially damage this delicate mineral.

Firstly, never use a metal wedge or sharp object to remove debris. Selenite’s structure is delicate, and using a harsh tool can cause it to fracture or chip. Instead, opt for a soft wooden or plastic wedge to gently remove any dirt or impurities.

Secondly, avoid using water or wet cleaning methods as much as possible. Selenite is a water-soluble mineral, meaning it can dissolve or become cloudy if submerged in water. If you must use water, do it sparingly and dry the mineral immediately afterward.

Thirdly, don’t expose your selenite to direct sunlight for extended periods. While it can withstand short exposures, prolonged sunlight can cause it to lose its luster and even crack.

Lastly, never use harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaning solutions to clean your selenite. These can irreversibly damage the mineral’s structure and appearance.

Essential Tools for Selenite Cleaning

Having the right tools at hand can significantly simplify the process of cleaning your selenite, ensuring its delicate structure remains intact and its potent properties are maximized. Here are the essential tools for selenite cleaning that you’ll need:

  • Soft Cloth: A soft, lint-free cloth is ideal for gently wiping off any dust or debris. Avoid using rough fabrics that could scratch the selenite.
  • Soft Brush: A brush with soft bristles, such as a paintbrush or makeup brush, can be used to remove any stubborn particles.
  • Distilled Water: While selenite is water-soluble, a quick, careful wipe with a damp cloth won’t harm it.
  • Dry Towel: After the quick wipe, immediately dry your selenite with a clean, dry towel to prevent any water damage.

Remember, these tools should be used gently. Handle your selenite with care to maintain its natural brilliance.

Also, keep in mind that water can degrade selenite over time, so use as little as possible and dry it thoroughly. By using these tools and techniques, you can effectively clean your selenite while preserving its unique features and energetic properties.


How should I clean my selenite?

To clean your selenite, you can use a soft cloth or a soft brush. Avoid using anything abrasive or hard, as selenite has a Mohs hardness of 2 and can be easily scratched. It is best to use a gentle cleaning method to preserve the quality of your crystal.

Can I use water to clean selenite?

Yes, you can use water to clean your selenite. However, it is important to note that selenite is a water-soluble crystal, so you should avoid submerging it in water or exposing it to excessive moisture. Instead, dampen a soft cloth or brush with water and gently wipe the surface of the stone to remove any dirt or impurities.

Can I soak my selenite in water?

No, you should not submerge your selenite crystal in water for any length of time. Selenite is a water-soluble crystal and prolonged exposure to water can cause it to dissolve or become damaged.

What should I do if my selenite has foreign materials stuck to it?

If your selenite has foreign materials stuck to it, you can try using a soft brush or a toothbrush to gently scrub the surface. Be careful not to scrub too hard or use anything abrasive, as this can cause scratches or damage the crystal.

Can I use any type of cleaning solution on selenite?

No, you should avoid using any cleaning solutions, including mild soaps or chemicals, to clean selenite. Selenite is a delicate crystal and can be easily damaged by harsh substances. Stick to using water or a soft cloth for cleaning.

How can I cleanse other crystals using selenite?

Selenite is a fantastic crystal for cleansing other crystals. Simply place the crystals you want to cleanse on or near a selenite bowl or a selenite wand. The selenite will absorb and neutralize any negative energies from the other crystals, leaving them cleansed and refreshed.

Can I use selenite to cleanse and charge my selenite crystal?

Yes, you can use selenite to both cleanse and charge your selenite crystal. Selenite has the unique ability to remove any negative energies and recharge crystals, including itself. Place your selenite crystal on or near a selenite bowl or wand to benefit from its cleansing and charging properties.



In conclusion, a well-cleansed selenite crystal is your ticket to an extraordinarily vibrant and balanced life. The process of cleaning selenite may demand care, but it’s worth every minute. It’s like unearthing a hidden treasure of healing energy.

So, respect its delicate nature, use the right methods, and you’ll unlock powers that will make your day-to-day life nothing short of magical. Remember, your intuition is your best guide in this fascinating journey of crystal cleansing.