how to clean shungite


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how to clean shungite

Shungite is a strong, distinctive stone with a wide range of therapeutic benefits. It is frequently employed in energy work and crystal healing. But since it’s a mineral, over time it could become soiled or dusty.

Cleaning your shungite on a regular basis is crucial if you want to make the most of it. In order to continue enjoying the advantages of shungite, this article will show you how to properly clean it.Shungite should first be washed in warm water and mild soap before being cleaned. The stone should be carefully rinsed and dried with a soft towel. To clean out any dirt or debris from the stone’s surface, you can also use a soft brush. If necessary, you can also apply a small amount of mineral oil to enhance the stone’s inherent brilliance. After cleaning, be careful to keep your shungite out of direct sunlight in a cool, dry location.

Shungite preparation for cleaning

Shungite is a rare mineral that should be cleaned carefully. Start by rinsing shungite in clean water to get it ready for cleaning. Any dirt or debris on the surface will be removed as a result. Then, add a small amount of mild detergent to a basin or bucket of warm water. To remove any dirt or grime, soak the shungite in the solution for 10 to 15 minutes. After soaking, use a soft brush to gently scrape away any remaining grime or dirt from the shungite. Rinse it well in clean water, then let it air dry.

If you’d like, you can buff and shine the shungite once it has dried with a soft cloth. You might need to repeat the procedure multiple times to get rid of harder stains.

Shungite scrubbing

Shungite is a potent stone of healing that can be utilized to treat mental, emotional, and spiritual disorders. Cleaning your shungite frequently is crucial if you want to get the most use out of it. An instruction manual for cleaning shungite is provided below:

  1. Use warm water to gently clean the shungite. If dirt or debris has gathered on the stone, be careful to rinse it off.
  2. Soak the shungite for 15 minutes in a dish of water and sea salt. This will aid in removing any potentially associated bad energies from the stone.
  3. After a second rinse in warm water, dry the shungite with a soft cloth.
  4. Put the shungite in the sun for a couple of hours so that it can take in the energy of the sun and rejuvenate.
  5. As a last step, expose your shungite to moonlight for the entire night so that lunar energy can cleanse it. Its strength and clarity will be improved as a result.

Utilizing Shungite to clean

Shungite is a rare mineral that can only be found in Russia, and it has long been used to clean and purify water. Hazardous chemicals, heavy metals, germs, and other pollutants can be absorbed and neutralized by it. As a result, it is the best option for purifying water for drinking, bathing, and other purposes.

Shungite can also counteract electromagnetic radiation from appliances like microwaves, computers, and cell phones. Shungite placed next to these devices can aid in lowering the radiation released. Those who are susceptible to electromagnetic radiation or who want to lessen their exposure may find this to be advantageous.

By scattering pieces of shungite across a room, such as a home or office, it is also possible to achieve a relaxing effect. It is thought that the energy of shungite promotes calmness and lowers stress levels. Shungite is also supposed to aid in spiritual healing by shielding against harmful energies and encouraging the flow of positive energy.

Overall, shungite cleaning has several advantages that can enhance both mental and physical health. Shungite is a great option for purifying because it can do everything from reduce electromagnetic radiation exposure to purifying water to calming down the environment in your house or workplace.

keeping the Shungite

Place your shungite near a window or outside for a couple of hours each month to recharge it. The stone can also be purified of any bad energy by using smudging methods like burning sage or palo santo. Finally, avoid exposing your shungite to electromagnetic waves from devices like computers and cell phones, which might reduce its therapeutic effects.

Risks Associated with Improper Shungite Cleaning

Shungite is a potent crystal that has the ability to protect and heal those who use it. However, it might also provide certain concerns if it is not cleaned well. Shungite can become clogged with dirt and dust particles if it is not cleaned frequently, which will decrease its efficiency. Additionally, the buildup of dirt may encourage the growth of germs and fungi on the crystal’s surface, which could have negative health effects. Shungite’s energy levels and potency could potentially decline if it isn’t cleaned frequently. It’s crucial to frequently clean your shungite with natural ways like water or salt water baths if you want to get the most out of it.

It’s also crucial to remember that shungite should never be cleaned with abrasive chemicals or detergents because doing so could harm the crystal’s surface. Avoid using soap as well because it could leave a residue that makes the crystal less effective overall. Last but not least, avoid using hot water to clean shungite because doing so could result in cracking or fragmentation. You will be able to benefit from shungite’s many advantages for many years to come by adhering to these easy instructions and using caution when cleaning it.

Mistakes People Make When Cleaning Shungite

Maintaining the therapeutic powers of shungite requires regular cleaning. But it’s crucial to keep in mind that shungite is a fragile substance and needs to be handled carefully. Here are several cleaning shungite errors that individuals frequently make: incorrect cleaning methods, the use of harsh chemicals, excessive scrubbing, and improper drying.

The surface of the shungite can be harmed by using the incorrect cleaning agents, which will remove its protective layer. Shungite should ideally be cleaned with a gentle cloth or a solution of mild soap and water. Because they can result in discoloration or corrosion, harsh chemicals should be avoided.

It’s crucial to be delicate when cleaning the shungite because scrubbing it too vigorously might potentially harm the surface. Instead of a brush or other abrasive item, use a soft cloth or sponge. Additionally, it’s crucial to ensure that all soap residue is eliminated after cleaning because it can stain the shungite’s surface.

After cleaning, it is crucial to carefully dry the shungite. This will assist maintain its protective covering intact and stop any wet spots from appearing on its surface. Before storing or putting on display the shungite item once more, any excess moisture should be dried off with a soft cloth.


Shungite is a potent and exceptional mineral that has cleansing and protective properties. Shungite should be cleaned frequently with warm water and a light soap in order to maintain its optimum quality. It must totally dry after cleaning before being used again. Shungite may last for many years in perfect condition with the right maintenance.

You can reap the rewards of shungite’s many advantages for a very long time by taking the effort to clean and maintain it properly.