how to clean white hokas


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how to clean white hokas

White hokas can be cleaned to keep them appearing new and clean. Cleaning your shoes on a regular basis will help to preserve their beauty and increase their longevity. Fortunately, washing white hokas only requires a few straightforward procedures. We’ll lead you through cleaning your white hokas safely and properly in this guide.

  1. Start by taking off the laces and cleaning the shoes’ surface with a brush to remove any dirt or debris.
  2. Construct a cleaning solution using warm water and a gentle detergent. Put a clean cloth in the mixture, then squeeze off any extra liquid.
  3. Use the cloth to gently scrub the surface of the shoes, being careful to avoid any delicate details like stitching or shoe logos.
  4. After rinsing off any detergent residue with a moist cloth, let the items thoroughly air dry out of the sun and away from heat sources.
  5. After they have dried, buff away any lingering dirt or debris to bring back their former brightness.

The supplies you’ll need to clean white HOKAs

It can be challenging to clean white HOKAs. You’ll need the proper tools in order to complete the task properly. Start by using warm water and a gentle cloth or brush. To get rid of stains and filth, use a gentle soap or detergent. Use a non-abrasive cleanser, such as baking soda or white vinegar, for tough stains. Before wearing your shoes once more, let them air dry.

Always read the label before using any cleaning products, and try them first in a discreet place. Because bleach and other harsh chemicals can harm the material of your shoes, avoid using them. Use a waterproof spray for added defense to keep your shoes looking brand-new for longer!

Cleaning the HOKAs in preparation

It’s crucial to properly prepare your HOKAs before cleaning them. Remove the insoles and laces first. Then, gently brush away any dirt or debris that may have gathered on the surface of the shoes using a soft brush or cloth. If there are any stains that won’t come out, you can spot-clean them with warm water and a light detergent. Before putting the shoes back together, let them thoroughly dry out in the air.

It’s time to start cleaning your HOKAs when you’ve completed preparing them for cleaning. Remove any dirt or stains from the surface of the shoes by brushing them off with a soft brush or cloth that has been soaked with warm water and a mild detergent. Then, before putting them back together, thoroughly rinse off any remaining soap with fresh, warm water.

Clean up of the HOKAs

Washing HOKAs is straightforward and easy. Remove the insoles and laces first. Next, put your shoes in a washing machine with a gentle cycle and a mild detergent. Avoid using fabric softener or bleach. And lastly, air dry your shoes apart from any heat sources.

Use cold water and a mild detergent to hand wash HOKAs. Use a gentle brush or towel to gently clean the shoes, then rinse them with cold water. Allow them to dry naturally away from heat sources and sunlight.

HOKAs being dried

Keeping your HOKAs in good condition requires drying them frequently. Remove the insoles and laces, then set the shoes on a flat area to dry. Keep them away from heat sources and direct sunlight to let them air dry naturally. If necessary, gently blot away any extra moisture with a soft towel. A hairdryer or other heat source shouldn’t be used because it can harm the shoes. Replace the insoles and laces on the shoes once they have dried completely before putting them back on.

Additionally, you should avoid washing your HOKAs in a washing machine since this could harm the fabric. You can use a moist towel and a little detergent to spot clean them if they get really dirty. Before putting them back on, make sure to rinse off any soap residue and let them naturally air dry.

Cleaning White HOKAs of Spots

On white HOKAs, stains might be challenging to get out. To help keep your shoes looking fresh and clean, you can follow a few easy measures. With a moist cloth, remove any dirt or debris first. Use water and a light detergent to scrape away any persistent stains. Dry with a gentle cloth after rinsing with cold water. Try using a specialized shoe cleaner for difficult stains, or even baking soda and vinegar. Before rinsing the cleanser off, let it sit for a few minutes. Last but not least, use a leather conditioner to keep your shoes looking brand-new.

It’s crucial to keep in mind that bleach and other abrasive cleaning agents should never be used on white HOKAs since they can harm the material. Additionally, avoid washing them in the washing machine as this may cause the material to fade or shrink. Your shoes will look wonderful and last longer if you take good care of them.

How to Remove Stains on White HOKAs

Particularly on white HOKAs, stains can be a pain. To keep your shoes looking their best, there are a number of stain removers available. You may buy commercial stain removers or make your own at home with components you probably already have on hand like baking soda, vinegar, and lemon juice. It’s crucial to test any product on a discrete region of the shoe before using it to ensure that it won’t harm the shoe.

Following the instructions on the stain remover’s container, pre-treat the stained area once you’ve identified the product that best suits your needs. Before using a gentle brush or cloth to scrub the product, give it some time to sit. Before wearing, rinse with cold water and let the item thoroughly air dry. Repeat the procedure as necessary until the stain has completely disappeared.

Your white HOKAs can seem spotless and immaculate for many years if you take good care of them. Cleaning them with water and a mild detergent on a regular basis will help keep dirt and grime at bay. Don’t worry if you get stains; just use your go-to stain remover and you can soon resume wearing your shoes.

White HOKAs can be cleaned in the washing machine.

To keep white HOKAs appearing clean and new, simply wash them in the washing machine. Start by taking off the shoes’ laces and any dirt or debris. Put them and a gentle detergent into the washing machine. For optimal results, use cold water and the gentle cycle. After washing, air dry them instead of using a dryer to prevent damage. Before putting the items in the machine, use a soft brush to remove any dirt or stains for a deeper clean. Your white HOKAs will continue looking brand new with appropriate care!


Hokas in white are simple to clean. With a brush or cloth, start by wiping away the dust and debris. Then, to get rid of stains or scuffs, use warm water and a light detergent. Lastly, let the shoes to air dry in a cool environment. Your white Hokas will look brand new if you take good care of them.

You can maintain your white Hokas looking their best by following these easy instructions. Regular cleaning will guarantee that they remain in excellent shape for many years to come.