How to keep my house clean


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How to keep my house clean

Keeping your house tidy might be difficult. However, maintaining a clean and organized home is doable with the correct methods and strategies. This manual will give you advice on how to maintain a clean home, including organizing your possessions, creating a cleaning schedule, and choosing the right storage options. You can keep your house in peak condition by following these measures!

Start with a plan in step one.

Create a list of the cleaning jobs that must be finished and choose a deadline for doing so.

Step 2

Start with the most challenging tasks. Start with cleaning the areas that are the most challenging, such as the bathrooms, kitchens, and basements. The remainder of the cleaning will be simpler as a result.

Step 3

Complete a thorough cleaning. Surfaces should first be dusted and cleaned from top to bottom to prevent dust or debris from landing on previously cleaned surfaces.

Step 4

Mop and vacuum the floors. Before mopping floors with hot water and a cleaning solution, use a vacuum or brush to remove any dirt or debris.

Clean surfaces and appliances in Step 5.

Clean surfaces including countertops, appliances, sinks, showers, tubs, toilets, and others with warm, soapy water or a cleaner made for the specific type of surface.

Step 6

Remove the trash and replace the liners. Take out all waste from the house, and put new trash can liners in any that are soiled.

Put everything back where it belongs in step seven.

Put everything back where it belongs after cleaning and drying all surfaces to make your home look tidy and organized once more.

Regularly dust

Maintaining a pristine home requires routine dusting. Dust can be removed successfully from surfaces like tables, shelves, and countertops by using a moist cloth. Remember to dust window curtains, light fixtures, and ceiling fans as well.

Strategic vacuuming

Your carpets and rugs will look clean and new if you vacuum once or twice a week. For optimal results, be careful to vacuum the room’s boundaries and underneath any furniture.

Surfaces with a Deep Clean:

Deep clean surfaces frequently to keep them looking immaculate. Kitchen counters may be cleaned with a solution of soap and water, and other hard surfaces all over your house can be cleaned using an all-purpose cleaner.

Clean bathrooms:

Keep your restrooms clean by regularly sanitizing them. Use disinfectants on worktops, sinks, tubs, showers, and other surfaces to get rid of bacteria and germs that can make you sick.

Do laundry regularly:

Frequently doing the laundry will keep your house looking clean and organized. Before washing, separate the colors of the clothing to help avoid any unintentional fading or discoloration.

Keep Items Safely Stored:

Maintaining a spotless home can be greatly improved by carefully storing your belongings. Toys and art supplies can be kept in drawers or closets using containers with lids.

Frequently Remove the Trash:

For the house to stay tidy and odor-free, garbage removal should be done routinely. Regularly empty trash cans, and keep the area around them clean of clutter.

Use these suggestions to maintain a pristine home all year long!

Establish a schedule and follow it

Setting up a regular cleaning program is crucial for maintaining a clean home. Set aside time each day to complete basic activities like cleaning the floors, washing the laundry, and wiping off the counters. You can keep your home orderly by doing this routinely.

Keep up with the dishes

One of the most frequent sources of clutter in the kitchen is dishes. Dishes should be washed right away after use to avoid this. At the very least, rinse them out and place them in the sink or dishwasher if you don’t have time to do so.

Put everything away right away.

Take the time to return an object to its proper location as soon as you are done utilizing it. Everyone in the house will find it simpler to locate what they need when they need it and less cluttered as a result.

Remove All Unnecessary Items

Spend some time going through your possessions and donating or discarding everything you no longer need or use. You’ll have more room as a result, and maintaining a clean home will be simpler.

Get Everyone Involved in Maintaining Your Home Clean

Maintaining a clean home will be lot simpler if everyone helps out with the chores. To ensure that everyone is accountable for keeping the space clean, assign each person a specific chore, such as vacuuming or dusting.

Enjoy cleaning

It’s not necessary to hate doing the dishes! Play some music or create a system of rewards for you or your family members as they complete duties. Making cleaning enjoyable can inspire you and your family to maintain a clean home.

Culinary Cleaning Advice

To keep filth and bacteria at bay, routinely clean kitchen surfaces. With hot, soapy water, clean the sinks, stovetops, and countertops. Use a mop and a cleaner made specifically for tile floors to clean tile floors. Use a quart of water and one teaspoon of bleach to clean cutting boards.

Tips for cleaning bathrooms

Use a disinfecting cleanser to clean the toilet, and a soft brush or cloth to scrub away any rust or limescale stains. To get rid of soap scum from sinks, bathtubs, showerheads, and faucets, use bathroom cleaning. With glass cleaner and a soft cloth, clean the mirrors. Regularly vacuum the floors to remove dirt and debris.

Household Cleaning Advice

Regularly dust the living room’s furniture, bookcases, picture frames, trinkets, and other stuff. To get rid of dust, filth, pet hair, and dander, vacuum area rugs and carpets. When necessary, use a light detergent or upholstery cleaner to spot-clean upholstered furniture. Window sills, baseboards, and other hard surfaces should be cleaned with an all-purpose cleanser or a moist cloth.

Room Cleaning Advice

Regularly vacuum carpets or clean hardwood floors to prevent dust from accumulating in the bedroom. In accordance with the care recommendations on the label, wash bedding once a week in hot water. Use a moist cloth or duster made for fragile things to periodically dust furniture, shelves, picture frames, and trinkets. Use an all-purpose cleaner to clean windowsills, baseboards, and other hard surfaces.

Solutions for Decluttering

Although organizing your home can seem overwhelming, you can quickly get rid of clutter with the appropriate techniques. Start by getting rid of anything you don’t use or need. To make the procedure simpler, group items into ‘keep’,’sell’, and ‘donate’ categories. Then, for what is left, come up with inventive storage ideas. Spend money on baskets, shelves, and containers for convenient access. Put everything in its proper place in storage, and label everything. Last but not least, maintain routine maintenance by storing items after each usage. Your home will remain tidy and organized if you follow these guidelines!

  1. Regularly vacuum

An crucial habit for maintaining a clean and organized home is vacuuming. you get rid of dirt, dust, and pet hair, be sure you vacuum at least twice every week. For those who have allergies or asthma, vacuuming can also be helpful in getting rid of irritants.

  1. Dust Weekly

Dust builds up rapidly and can make your house appear drab and dirty. Use a microfiber duster or cloth to dust all surfaces once a week to prevent this. Fans, vents, window sills, and other areas that have a tendency to quickly accumulate dust should receive extra attention.

  1. Clean up surfaces

Every day, wipe down countertops, sinks, tables, and other surfaces with an all-purpose cleanser or disinfectant wipes. This will eliminate any dirt or grease that may have accumulated over time and help keep bacteria and germs at bay.

  1. Do dishes every day

In addition to being unattractive, leaving dishes in the sink can also draw pests like cockroaches or ants. Do your dishes every day or think about buying a dishwasher for quick cleanup to avoid this.

  1. Do laundry every week

Weekly laundry is crucial to maintaining a clean and organized house. Sort clothing into piles based on kind (such as whites or colors), wash per the manufacturer’s directions, fold neatly after drying, and store in drawers or closets.

Making Solutions for Organization

Having the correct organizing solutions can make cleaning lot simpler despite the fact that it might be overwhelming. To keep debris off the floor and hidden, use storage bins, shelves, and drawers. A list of what goes there might be written on labels for each region.

Changeable Supplies

Having all the necessary supplies on available is one of the challenges of cleaning. Time can be saved by switching a set of cleaning supplies across rooms, and everything will always be accessible. Additionally, having extras of some things, like paper towels and sponges, is a good idea.

speeding up cleaning

The key to speeding up cleaning is to take shortcuts. Make a cleaning caddy, for instance, and keep all your supplies in it so you won’t have to look for things as you go from room to room. Cleaning quickly also entails handling little messes as they arise rather than allowing them to accumulate.

Praise Yourself

Cleaning isn’t always enjoyable, so give yourself a treat when you finish a task on time. After completing a major task, give yourself some extra downtime or reward yourself with something nice. This will support your motivation and increase the overall fun of cleaning.

  1. Establish a schedule for cleaning

A great method to simplify your routine is to make a cleaning timetable. Set aside a couple days every week for cleaning, and divide the work into doable portions. You can stay organized and guarantee that everything is finished on time by doing this. Additionally, you’ll have extra time to unwind or spend with loved ones.

  1. Spend money on top-notch cleaning supplies

Making your routine more efficient requires having the appropriate cleaning supplies. Spend money on high-quality items created especially for the task at hand, such as microfiber cloths for dusting or specialized cleaning supplies for bathrooms and kitchens. You will do the task more quickly and effectively if you do this.

  1. Add some fun.

Cleaning need not be monotonous! Play some music, invite a friend over, or implement an incentive system to make it enjoyable. This will make the process less laborious and encourage you to complete the task.

  1. Involve everyone.

Encourage your children or housemates to help out with the cleaning. Assign each person a distinct assignment to ensure that they are all participating and taking ownership of their respective portions of the work. This will make it simpler to maintain organization and cleanliness in your home.

  1. Make Your Storage System Simpler

It’s essential to have a well-organized storage system if you want to simplify your cleaning process. Donate or throw away everything you don’t need any more, and spend money on storage containers that are simple to name and find when you need them. This will keep your home clear of clutter and make it simpler to find things.


It doesn’t have to be a difficult chore to clean your home. Maintaining a clean and organized house requires daily simple actions like picking up after yourself and creating a cleaning schedule. These kinds of useful routines will help you appreciate living in a hygienic and clean environment while ultimately saving you time.

You may quickly make your home cleaner and healthier by paying attention to these suggestions. You can figure out how to keep your house clean for good with a little work and commitment.